Tuesday, February 12, 2013

New 2013 art.

Here are my latest pieces of 2013.

The first is an 18th Century fashion piece "Bird and Crown".
 8x10 on watercolour paper. 
Medium: Inks and watercolour.
Original Available. $100. (includes shipping) 

The second is an inspired Marie Antoinette piece. This is my first attempt at her portrait. Not exact but I like how it turned out just the same. I have the black ink photo up to show you part of my creative process. Then there is the finished colour version.
 "Marie Antoinette."
 8x10 on watercolour paper. 
Medium: Inks and watercolour.
Original Available (colour). $90. (includes shipping)

This last one is my latest piece 2-9-13.
"Cherry Bomb"
 8x10 on watercolour paper. 
Medium: Inks and watercolour.
Original Available (colour). $100. (includes shipping)